b'How the Body Controls and Chapter hapteremperatureRegulates TFor the body to work efficiently, a core temperature range of around 37C is regulated and maintained by the thermostat situated deep within the brain. The body maintains this temperature by constantly balancing heat gain with heat loss.How the Body Keeps Warm and How the Body Stays CoolHeat is gained by:Conversion of food into energy.Muscle contractions; exercise and shivering.Heat is absorbed by:Sunlight, hot air, hot food and drinks.Warm or hot objects.Heat is saved by:Reduced sweating and the burning of fat.Constricting blood vessels to keep warmblood in the central part of the body (core).Body hairs bristle up to trap warm air (goose bumps).Heat is lost by:Radiation of heat into the cooler surrounding air.Evaporation of sweat into passing cooler air.Increase in breathing rate and depth (warmer air is exhaled and cooler air is drawn in toreplace it, cooling the blood vessels as it passes through the lungs).Contact with cool or cold objects that provide a pathway to allow heat to escape. How Do We Keep Cool?Blood vessels close to the skin surface dilate to help bring more warm blood to the skin surface allowing heat to escape and theSkin surfacebody to cool. Dilated blood vesselHeat and Cold Emergency 133Heat and Cold Emergency 133'