b'ChapterExamples of Designer DrugsGHBGHB is a dangerous designer drug that results in very harmful effects. GHB (Gamma hydroxybutyrate but known on the street as grievous bodily harm) is an odourless, slightly salty liquid. It has also been found in powder and capsule form. It is classified as a sedative-hypnotic and was originally developed as an anaesthetic.What are the effects?At lower doses, GHB has a euphoric effect like alcohol and can make the user feel relaxed, happy and sociable. Higher doses can make users feel dizzy and sleepy and can cause vomiting, spasms and loss of consciousness with depressed breathing leading to death.While the narcotic GHB masquerades as a euphoria inducing party drug, it is actually a noxious mix of solvents that can kill with the smallest of overdoses. No clear liquid party drug is safe but authorities rate GHB as one of the most dangerous.The window between the drugs effect and a fatal overdose is very small when compared to other illicit drugs. As little as four millilitres could produce an effect and one or two more could prove fatal.Ecstasy and Heat illnessA dangerous and common cause of elevated body temperature is due to recreational drug abuse such as Ecstasy. Profuse sweating occurs due to continued over activity and the person becomes dehydrated which leads to heat exhaustion. This, combined with the drugs effect on the brain can lead to heat stroke and death.(Refer to Heat Stroke on page 136).148 Poisoning'