b'ChapterStrokeStroke is the second most common cause of death in Australia after heart attack.What is a Stroke (C.V.A.)?Stroke (also known as cerebro-vascular accident) occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is suddenly disrupted. Blood is carried to the brain by blood vessels called arteries. Blood may stop moving through an artery because it is blocked by a blood clot or ruptures.A stroke can occur in two main ways:Ischaemic stroke is a blocked artery (80% of causes).An Ischaemic stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel in the brain. Cerebral thrombosis is a clot blocking an artery in the brain, while cerebral embolism occurs when a portion of a clot that developed elsewhere moves via the bloodstream to the brain.Haemorrhagic stroke is bleeding in the brain.A Haemorrhagic stroke, or cerebral haemorrhage, occurs when an artery supplying the brainruptures, causing blood to leak into brain tissue.Cerebral infarction is the death of brain tissue that results when the brain is deprived of oxygen for a significant time, usually caused by a blocked artery in the brain or heart attack.People with high blood pressure have a greater risk of stroke, as do those with atherosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries resulting from a build-up of fatty deposits. Other risk factors include smoking, high cholesterol, excessive alcohol intake, obesity or a family history of stroke.HemiplegiaHaemorrhagic Stroke Paralysis of half of the body caused by damage to Blood escapes from an artery intothe motor cortex. The side of the body paralysed the brain building pressure thatis opposite to the damaged side of the brain.destroys surrounding brain tissue.Cerebral InfarctionDeath of brain tissue caused when all or part of the brain is deprived of sufficient oxygen to keep the tissue alive.Ischaemic StrokeBlockage of the cerebral arteries by a blood clot (thrombosis), which may also form elsewhere in the body and travel to the brain (embolism). Brain StemInternalArteries Stroke in the brain stem may interrupt basic functions such as breathing and blood pressure, resulting in coma or death.The type of disability depends on the area of the brain affected.What is a TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack)?When the supply of blood to part of the brain is suddenly disrupted and the interruption resolves itself quickly, this is known as a mini stroke (TIA).The signs and symptoms generally do not last longer than 60 minutes.A mini stroke should be considered as an early warning sign of a more serious stroke and patients should seek medical attention even though signs and symptoms have resolved.208 Medical Emergencies'