b'Chapter hapterCauses of AnaphylaxisThe most common causes of an allergic reaction are:Food AllergensAny food containing protein can trigger an allergic reaction however the most common types are peanuts, tree nuts (such as cashew, almond, Brazil nut), eggs, soy, sesame, milk, fish, shellfish and wheat.Peanut allergy is the most common cause of fatal food anaphylaxis.Drugs/MedicationsAny medications, both over the counter and prescribed, may trigger an allergic reaction however antibiotics and pain killers are the most commonly reported triggers.Insect StingsBees, wasps and the Jack Jumper ant are the most common insect allergen. Ticks and Fire ants are also known to cause an allergic reaction.LatexGloves, balloons and swimming products can also cause allergic reactions.How to RecogniseAn Allergic Reaction - Mild to ModerateAbdominal pain and vomiting (these are signs of a severe allergic reaction to insects.)Hive and welts on the skin.Tingling mouth.Swelling of the face, lips and eyes.Severe Allergic Reaction - AnaphylaxisWatch for ANY ONE of the following:Difficulty/noisy breathing.Wheeze or persistent cough.Swelling/tightness in the throat.Swelling of the throat and tongue resultingin difficulty swallowing and speaking.Difficulty talking and/or hoarse voice. Persistent dizziness or collapse.Pale and floppy (in young children).Mild to moderate allergic reactions (such as hives or swelling) may not always occur before anaphylaxisMedical Emergencies 185'