b'Chapter hapterShockShock is a sudden or slow/steady loss of blood volume and/or pressure due to sudden illness, pain or trauma. It is the bodys defensive response to protect vital organs. Shock is a condition where the circulatory system (heart, blood and blood vessels) fails to provide adequate oxygen-rich blood to the body. When vital organs (brain, heart and lungs) do not receive oxygen-rich blood, they do not function properly. This results in shock and can be life threatening. Shock is a serious condition that can be minimised if recognised and treated quickly. Shock is caused by many factors, the most significant is pain. Controlling pain and managing the patient is an important aspect of first aid.Some conditions which may cause shockLoss of circulating blood volume (hypovolaemic shock)severe bleeding (internal and / or external)major or multiple fractures or traumasevere burns or scaldssevere diarrhoea and vomiting (fluid loss)severe sweating and dehydrationCardiac causes (cardiogenic shock)heart attack abnormal heart rhythm Abnormal dilation of blood vessels (distributive shock)severe infectionallergic reactionssevere brain / spinal injuriesfainting (generally brief)Blockage of flow in or out of the heart (obstructive shock)tension pneumothorax (air collects in the pleural space under progressively increasingpressure causing collapse of lung tissue)cardiac tamponade (compression of the heart by a collection of fluid or blood in thepericardial sac)pulmonary embolism (blockage of the pulmonary artery or one of its branches by adetached blood clot or particle of matter)compression of the large abdominal veins by the uterus in pregnancy What is Emotional Shock?Any sudden or unexpected incident can lead to emotional/psychological shock. The heart rate slows down and there is a drop in blood pressure. Circulation is not maintained and the patient faints. Comfort, reassurance and keeping the patient warm is recommended as the first aid management.Bleeding 71'