b'Blood PrhapteressureChapter Blood pressure is the pressure that the circulating blood exerts against the walls of the arteries. It is measured in millimetres of mercury - mm/Hg.How is it Measured?It is measured by an inflatable bag called a sphygmomanometer inflated around theupper arm.The measure is recorded as two numbers e.g. 120/80. The larger number indicates the systolic blood pressure (the pressure as the heart squeezes out blood during each beat). The smaller number represents diastolic blood pressure (the pressure as the heart relaxes before its next beat). Blood pressure readings vary, changing to meet your bodys needs. It is best measuredwhen you are relaxed and sitting or lying down.Blood pressure varies in all people. A reading of less than 130/85 is generallyconsidered to be normal. A reading above 140/90 is considered to be high while a measurement above 180/110 is dangerously high.Why Does Blood Pressure Matter?High blood pressure forces the heart to work harder. It causes enlargement of the heart and changes in arteries, causing the heart to weaken.High blood pressure can lead to serious health problems such as heart attack, heart failure, stroke, kidney disease or blindness. It does not normally come with any warning signs. You may have high blood pressure and feel perfectly well. It is recommended that you have your blood pressure checked regularly.How Can I Keep Control of my Blood Pressure?Stop smoking.Reduce intake of salt and saturated fats.Achieve and maintain a healthy weight.Involve yourself in regular physical activity.Limit alcohol intake to two glasses or less each day.What is Bypass Surgery?Blood circulation through the coronary arteries may be severely compromised by:Narrowing of the blood vessels that provideoxygen to the heart muscle or,Complete blockage of the same vessels.Coronary bypass surgery will be necessary to bypass the damaged or affected area. Veins are removed from the leg or arm and attached to the artery above or below the blockage, bypassing it and opening up the blood flow. Normally three or four bypasses are required. This type of surgery is life-saving and greatly improves quality of life.How Your Body Works 27'